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ABORT - andesite.Plugin.HookResult
Ignore this event.
afterMapping(Function<String, String>) - Method in interface andesite.util.metadata.NamePartJoiner
Returns a new joiner that will join the strings resulting from applying the provided function to each part.
allPlayers() - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
Stream containing all existing players, for all users and guilds.
andesite - package andesite
andesite.event - package andesite.event
andesite.handler - package andesite.handler
andesite.player - package andesite.player
andesite.player.filter - package andesite.player.filter
andesite.send - package andesite.send
andesite.util - package andesite.util
andesite.util.metadata - package andesite.util.metadata
AndesiteEventListener - Interface in andesite.event
AndesitePlayer - Interface in andesite.player
AndesitePlayer.MixerState - Enum in andesite.player
AndesiteRequestHandler - Interface in andesite.handler
AndesiteTrackMixer - Interface in andesite.player
asInteger() - Method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
asString() - Method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
asStringList() - Method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
asVersion() - Method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
audioHandler() - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
The audio handler used by the node.
AudioHandler - Interface in andesite.send
audioPlayer() - Method in interface andesite.player.BasePlayer
Returns the audio player for this player.
audioPlayerManager() - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
The regular player manager, which returns opus data.
AudioProvider - Interface in andesite.send
Used to provide audio for an AudioHandler.


BasePlayer - Interface in andesite.player
ByteRingBuffer - Class in andesite.util
Circular buffer of bytes.
ByteRingBuffer(int) - Constructor for class andesite.util.ByteRingBuffer


CALL_NEXT - andesite.Plugin.HookResult
Call next plugin, or the default andesite code if no more plugins remain.
canProvide() - Method in interface andesite.send.AudioProvider
Attempts to load the next audio frame, returning true if there is one.
channelMix() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
ChannelMixConfig - Class in andesite.player.filter
ChannelMixConfig() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
cleaner() - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
Cleaner used to register actions on garbage collection of objects.
clear() - Method in class andesite.util.ByteRingBuffer
Clears this buffer.
close() - Method in interface andesite.send.AudioProvider
Runs any cleanup actions.
closeConnection(String, String) - Method in interface andesite.send.AudioHandler
Closes a connection for the given user and guild.
config() - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
Config instance used by the node.
config(Class<T>) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
Returns a configuration of the provided class, if it exists.
config(Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
Returns a configuration of the provided class if it exists, or creates a new instance of it with the provided supplier.
Config - Interface in andesite.player.filter
configurePlayerManager(NodeState, AudioPlayerManager) - Method in interface andesite.Plugin
Called to allow configuration of an audio player manager.
configureRouter(NodeState, Router) - Method in interface andesite.Plugin
Called to allow injecting custom routes on the provided router.
connectionId() - Method in interface andesite.handler.WebSocketState
The id of this connection.
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in interface andesite.player.filter.Config
Creates a new audio filter with the current settings.
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.EqualizerConfig
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.LowPassConfig
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.RotationConfig
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TremoloConfig
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VibratoConfig
create(AudioDataFormat, FloatPcmAudioFilter) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VolumeConfig


DASHED - Static variable in interface andesite.util.metadata.NamePartJoiner
Joins the strings with a dash (-) character.
decodeTrack(AudioPlayerManager, String) - Static method in class andesite.util.RequestUtils
Decodes an audio track from it's base64 representation.
defaultValue() - Method in class andesite.handler.WebSocketState.Key
The default value for this key.
depth() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TremoloConfig
depth() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VibratoConfig
destroy(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Handles a destroy request.
DISABLED - andesite.player.AndesitePlayer.MixerState
The mixer is disabled.
DISABLING - andesite.player.AndesitePlayer.MixerState
The mixer is being disabled, but is currently enabled.
dispatcher() - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
The event dispatcher used by the node.


enabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
enabled() - Method in interface andesite.player.filter.Config
Returns whether or not this filter should be enabled.
enabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.EqualizerConfig
enabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
enabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.LowPassConfig
enabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.RotationConfig
enabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
enabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TremoloConfig
enabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VibratoConfig
enabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VolumeConfig
ENABLED - andesite.player.AndesitePlayer.MixerState
The mixer is enabled.
ENABLING - andesite.player.AndesitePlayer.MixerState
The mixer is being enabled, but is currently disabled.
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
encode() - Method in interface andesite.player.filter.Config
Encodes the state of this configuration to send to clients.
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.EqualizerConfig
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
Encodes the state of this configuration and all filters in it.
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.LowPassConfig
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.RotationConfig
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TremoloConfig
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VibratoConfig
encode() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VolumeConfig
encodeFailure(RoutingContext) - Static method in class andesite.util.RequestUtils
Encodes the failure of the context.
encodeState() - Method in interface andesite.player.BasePlayer
Encodes the state of this player for sending to clients.
encodeThrowable(RoutingContext, Throwable) - Static method in class andesite.util.RequestUtils
Encodes the provided throwable, based on the context for deciding whether or not to use a shorter version with less details (omit stacktraces).
encodeThrowableDetailed(Throwable) - Static method in class andesite.util.RequestUtils
Encodes a throwable with as many details as possible.
encodeThrowableShort(Throwable) - Static method in class andesite.util.RequestUtils
Encodes a throwable with minimal details (omits stacktraces).
encodeTrack(AudioPlayerManager, AudioTrack) - Static method in class andesite.util.RequestUtils
Encodes a track into a json object, useful for sending to clients.
equalizer() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
EqualizerConfig - Class in andesite.player.filter
EqualizerConfig() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.EqualizerConfig
equals(Object) - Method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
EventDispatcher - Interface in andesite.event
EXPECTED_PACKET_COUNT_PER_MIN - Static variable in interface andesite.player.FrameLossCounter
Packet count expected to be sent over a minute.


factory() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
Returns a filter factory with the currently enabled filters.
filterBand() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
FilterChainConfiguration - Class in andesite.player.filter
FilterChainConfiguration() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
filterConfig() - Method in interface andesite.player.BasePlayer
Returns the filter configuration for this player.
filters(String, String, JsonObject) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Handles a filters payload.
FilterUtil - Class in andesite.util
Utility class listing what filters are available.
FilterUtil() - Constructor for class andesite.util.FilterUtil
filterWidth() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
findPassword(RoutingContext) - Static method in class andesite.util.RequestUtils
Attempts to find a password in a request.
frameLossCounter() - Method in interface andesite.player.BasePlayer
Returns the frame loss counter of this player, which tracks how many frames were sent or lost over the past minute.
FrameLossCounter - Interface in andesite.player
frequency() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TremoloConfig
frequency() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VibratoConfig


get(int) - Method in class andesite.util.ByteRingBuffer
Returns the nth element of this buffer.
get(WebSocketState.Key<T>) - Method in interface andesite.handler.WebSocketState
Gets a value stored in this connection.
getBand(int) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.EqualizerConfig
getExistingPlayer(String) - Method in interface andesite.player.AndesiteTrackMixer
Returns the current player for the provided key.
getExistingPlayer(String, String) - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
Returns the existing player for the provided user and guild, or null if it doesn't exist.
getLast() - Method in class andesite.util.ByteRingBuffer
Returns the last element of this buffer.
getLast(int) - Method in class andesite.util.ByteRingBuffer
Returns the nth last element of this buffer.
getPlayer(String) - Method in interface andesite.player.AndesiteTrackMixer
Gets or creates a new player with the provided key.
getPlayer(String, String) - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
Gets or creates a player for the provided user and guild.
guildId() - Method in interface andesite.player.BasePlayer
Returns the guild id of this player.


handleVoiceUpdate(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface andesite.send.AudioHandler
Handles a voice update.
hasConfig(Class<? extends Config>) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
Returns true if a configuration of the provided class is present.
hashCode() - Method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
HTTP_HEADER - Static variable in interface andesite.util.metadata.NamePartJoiner
Joins the strings with a dash (-) character, after converting them to Title Case.


init(NodeState) - Method in interface andesite.Plugin
Called when plugin loading is complete.
integer(int) - Static method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
INTEGER - andesite.util.metadata.MetadataType
isDataUsable() - Method in interface andesite.player.FrameLossCounter
Returns whether or not enough data has been gathered for use.
isEnabled() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
Returns whether or not this configuration has filters enabled.
isSet(float, float) - Static method in interface andesite.player.filter.Config
Returns true if the difference between value and defaultValue is greater or equal to Config.MINIMUM_FP_DIFF.
isUsingMixer() - Method in enum andesite.player.AndesitePlayer.MixerState
iterator() - Method in class andesite.util.ByteRingBuffer


join(List<String>) - Method in interface andesite.util.metadata.NamePartJoiner
Joins the provided parts into a string.
joinWith(String) - Static method in interface andesite.util.metadata.NamePartJoiner
Joins the parts with the provided separator.


karaoke() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
KaraokeConfig - Class in andesite.player.filter
KaraokeConfig() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
key() - Method in interface andesite.player.MixerPlayer
Returns the key used for registering this player in the mixer.
Key(T) - Constructor for class andesite.handler.WebSocketState.Key


lastMinuteLoss() - Method in interface andesite.player.FrameLossCounter
Returns the amount of frames lost per second over the past minute.
lastMinuteSuccess() - Method in interface andesite.player.FrameLossCounter
Returns the amount of frames sent per second over the past minute.
lavalink() - Method in interface andesite.handler.WebSocketState
Whether or not this connection is lavalink compatible.
leftToLeft() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
leftToRight() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
level() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
LOWER_CAMEL_CASE - Static variable in interface andesite.util.metadata.NamePartJoiner
Joins the strings after converting all but the first into Title Case.
lowPass() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
LowPassConfig - Class in andesite.player.filter
LowPassConfig() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.LowPassConfig


MetadataEntry - Class in andesite.util.metadata
metadataFields(NamePartJoiner) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Returns a map of the metadata fields to their values.
MetadataType - Enum in andesite.util.metadata
MINIMUM_FP_DIFF - Static variable in interface andesite.player.filter.Config
Minimum absolute difference for floating point values.
mixer() - Method in interface andesite.player.AndesitePlayer
Returns the track mixer for this player.
mixer() - Method in interface andesite.player.MixerPlayer
Returns the mixer this player belongs to.
mixer(String, String, JsonObject) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Handles a mixer payload.
MixerPlayer - Interface in andesite.player
mixerState() - Method in interface andesite.player.AndesitePlayer
Returns the state of the mixer.
monoLevel() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig


name() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
name() - Method in interface andesite.player.filter.Config
Returns the name of this filter, to be used in FilterChainConfiguration.encode().
name() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.EqualizerConfig
name() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
name() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.LowPassConfig
name() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.RotationConfig
name() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
name() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TremoloConfig
name() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VibratoConfig
name() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VolumeConfig
NamePartJoiner - Interface in andesite.util.metadata
Joins a list of strings into a string, possibly transforming them or adding separators.
node() - Method in interface andesite.player.BasePlayer
Returns the node that owns this player.
NodeState - Interface in andesite
Provides access to andesite objects for plugins.
nodeStats() - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Returns the stats of the node.
nodeStatsForLavalink() - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Returns lavalink compatible stats of the node.


onPlayerCreated(NodeState, String, String, AndesitePlayer) - Method in interface andesite.event.AndesiteEventListener
onPlayerDestroyed(NodeState, String, String, AndesitePlayer) - Method in interface andesite.event.AndesiteEventListener
onRawHttpRequest(NodeState, RoutingContext) - Method in interface andesite.Plugin
Called when a REST request is received.
onRawWebSocketPayload(NodeState, WebSocketState, JsonObject) - Method in interface andesite.Plugin
Called when a websocket payload is received.
onWebSocketClosed(NodeState, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface andesite.event.AndesiteEventListener


parentPlayer() - Method in interface andesite.player.MixerPlayer
Returns the player that owns the mixer this player belongs to.
pause(String, String, JsonObject) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Handles a pause payload.
pcmAudioPlayerManager() - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
The PCM player manager, which returns pcm data.
pitch() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
play(String, String, JsonObject) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Handles a play payload.
player(String, String) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Returns the encoded player, if it exists.
playerMap(String) - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
Returns a map of the players owned by the provided user.
players() - Method in interface andesite.player.AndesiteTrackMixer
Returns a map of player id to mixer player.
Plugin - Interface in andesite
Entry point for a plugin.
Plugin.HookResult - Enum in andesite
Used to signal whether or not a payload should be dropped.
provide() - Method in interface andesite.send.AudioProvider
Returns the data for the latest frame.
provideVoiceServerUpdate(String, JsonObject) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Provides a voice server update.
put(byte) - Method in class andesite.util.ByteRingBuffer
Stores a value into this buffer.


rate() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
rawValue() - Method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
register(AndesiteEventListener) - Method in interface andesite.event.EventDispatcher
removePlayer(String) - Method in interface andesite.player.AndesiteTrackMixer
Removes a player with the provided id.
removePlayer(String, String) - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
Removes and stops the player for the provided user and guild, returning it.
requestHandler() - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
The request handler used by the node.
RequestUtils - Class in andesite.util
RequestUtils() - Constructor for class andesite.util.RequestUtils
requiresRouter() - Method in interface andesite.Plugin
Whether or not this plugin requires a router to work.
resolveTracks(String) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Resolves tracks with the provided identifier.
rightToLeft() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
rightToRight() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
rotation() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
RotationConfig - Class in andesite.player.filter
RotationConfig() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.RotationConfig
rotationHz() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.RotationConfig


seek(String, String, JsonObject) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Handles a seek payload.
set(WebSocketState.Key<T>, T) - Method in interface andesite.handler.WebSocketState
Stores a value in this connection.
setBand(int, float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.EqualizerConfig
setDepth(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TremoloConfig
setDepth(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VibratoConfig
setFilterBand(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
setFilterWidth(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
setFrequency(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TremoloConfig
setFrequency(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VibratoConfig
setLeftToLeft(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
setLeftToRight(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
setLevel(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
setMonoLevel(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.KaraokeConfig
setPitch(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
setProvider(String, String, AudioProvider) - Method in interface andesite.send.AudioHandler
Sets the provider for the given user and guild.
setRate(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
setRightToLeft(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
setRightToRight(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.ChannelMixConfig
setRotationHz(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.RotationConfig
setSmoothing(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.LowPassConfig
setSpeed(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
setVolume(float) - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VolumeConfig
size() - Method in class andesite.util.ByteRingBuffer
Returns the size of this buffer.
smoothing() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.LowPassConfig
speed() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
startListeners(NodeState) - Method in interface andesite.Plugin
Starts custom listeners for this plugin.
stop(String, String) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Handles a stop request.
string(String) - Static method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
STRING - andesite.util.metadata.MetadataType
STRING_LIST - andesite.util.metadata.MetadataType
stringList(Collection<String>) - Static method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
subscribe(String, String, Object, Consumer<JsonObject>) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Subscribes a provided sink to receive events for the player.
sum() - Method in class andesite.util.ByteRingBuffer
Returns the sum of all values on this buffer.
switchToMixer() - Method in interface andesite.player.AndesitePlayer
Requests the player switches to the mixer as soon as possible.
switchToSingle() - Method in interface andesite.player.AndesitePlayer
Requests the player switches to the default provider as soon as possible.


timescale() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
TIMESCALE_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class andesite.util.FilterUtil
TimescaleConfig - Class in andesite.player.filter
TimescaleConfig() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.TimescaleConfig
toString() - Method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
trackString(AudioPlayerManager, AudioTrack) - Static method in class andesite.util.RequestUtils
Encodes the provided track to base64.
tremolo() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
TremoloConfig - Class in andesite.player.filter
TremoloConfig() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.TremoloConfig
type() - Method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry


unregister(AndesiteEventListener) - Method in interface andesite.event.EventDispatcher
update(String, String, JsonObject) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Handles an update payload.
user() - Method in interface andesite.handler.WebSocketState
The user id of this socket.
userId() - Method in interface andesite.player.BasePlayer
Returns the user id of this player.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum andesite.player.AndesitePlayer.MixerState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum andesite.Plugin.HookResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum andesite.util.metadata.MetadataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum andesite.player.AndesitePlayer.MixerState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum andesite.Plugin.HookResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum andesite.util.metadata.MetadataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version(String) - Static method in class andesite.util.metadata.MetadataEntry
VERSION - andesite.util.metadata.MetadataType
vertx() - Method in interface andesite.NodeState
Vertx instance used by the node.
vibrato() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
VibratoConfig - Class in andesite.player.filter
VibratoConfig() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.VibratoConfig
volume() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.FilterChainConfiguration
volume() - Method in class andesite.player.filter.VolumeConfig
volume(String, String, JsonObject) - Method in interface andesite.handler.AndesiteRequestHandler
Handles a volume payload.
VolumeConfig - Class in andesite.player.filter
VolumeConfig() - Constructor for class andesite.player.filter.VolumeConfig


WebSocketState - Interface in andesite.handler
WebSocketState.Key<T> - Class in andesite.handler
Key used for connection storage.
ws() - Method in interface andesite.handler.WebSocketState
The websocket connection.
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